
Declaration of Election by Voting

5 September 2024

I, Emily Kaehn, Chief Election Officer for the District of Mackenzie, do hereby declare, pursuant to section 98 of the Local Government Act, that an election by voting is to be held for the following offices:

Office of Councillor - One (1) to be elected:

Name Address

Carter, Cassandra

Mackenzie, BC

Davy, Joy

Mackenzie, BC

Devlin, Megan

Mackenzie, BC

Joubert, Kevin

Mackenzie, BC
Kyllo, Pete
Mackenzie, BC

Given under my hand at Mackenzie, British Columbia, this 21st day of October, 2024.

Emily Kaehn, Chief Election Officer

DECLARATION OF ELECTION BY VOTING - 4:00 pm October 21, 2024 (click here for PDF)