This project is to design and install a Potable Water Treatment Facility to address issues of iron and manganese in the source water and establish residual chlorination in the Gantahaz subdivision water distribution system. The project is scheduled to start Summer 2024 and be completed by Spring 2025.
The District is looking to gather valuable feedback on the Gantahaz Water Treatment Plant to better understand if there are any additional water related concerns that residents of the Gantahaz subdivision may have. Please fill out the survey either online below or, if you prefer, download the PDF version and email completed survey to by Wednesday August 7, 2024. We thank you for your participation. Paper surveys have also been mailed to Gantahaz Residents.
If you missed the open house presentation held on July 16, you can view a PDF version of the display panels. If you have any questions please email Luke McDonald: or you can email the District: