Council received a letter from a Mackenzie resident at the June 12, 2023 Regular Council meeting regarding altering the Animal Control Bylaw to allow backyard ducks in addition to backyard chickens. The resident expressed a desire to keep backyard ducks and highlighted the benefits of urban farming, sustainable practices, and the educational opportunities associated with raising ducks in residential areas. Council directed staff to bring forward amendments to bylaws, that would support this request, for consideration.
At the June 26, 2023 Regular Council meeting, Council received a report recommending the addition of backyard ducks and the associated bylaws that would need to be amended.
- Animal Control and Licencing Amendment Bylaw
- Municipal Ticket Information Amendment Bylaw
- Zoning Amendment Bylaw
The Animal Control and Licencing Amendment and Municipal Ticket Information Amendment were both given the first three readings and the Zoning Amendment was given the first two readings.
On July 24th, at 6:30 pm, a Public Hearing will be held allowing residents the opportunity to be heard, ask questions and share comments prior to final reading and adoption of the Zoning Amendment Bylaw. The Public is invited to submit written comment and or attend the meeting and share comments in person at the Public Hearing.
Written comments can be submitted by:
Mail: 1 Mackenzie Blvd. Bag 340, Mackenzie, BC, V0J 2C0
In person/drop box and Let's Chat.
If you have any questions please contact Corporate Services at